Walking on the Via Columbani

The Via Columbani crosses nine countries, between Northern Ireland and Northern Italy, visiting great heritage sites but also many lesser-known corners of Europe.

It is a path of memory and heritage, but also of peace and understanding. On the island of Ireland, for example, Turas Columbanus and the Columban Way come together in a single route across the frontier, bringing together partners from all communities.

The Pilgrimage Route

The Via Columbani is a long-distance pilgrimage   route, alongside highly travelled routes such as the   Camino de Santiago or the Via Francigena. It offers long-distance walkers a pilgrimage of discovery, to   the early Middle Ages and the roots of modern Europe.

The Via Columbani is an integral part of the European network of pilgrimage routes. It crosses or shares stretches of other pilgrimage paths, including St.  Patrick’s Way, the Paths of Saint Michael, the TroBreizh, the Camino de Santiago, the Via Sancti Martini, and the Via Francigena, offering multiple opportunities for contact and exchange.

The Via Columbani Route Guide

An original aspect of this route is its high-quality electronic Route Guide, offering a wealth of online information. This personalized guide provides walkers significant independence. It also reduces the   need for local authorities to invest heavily in signposting.

The entire itinerary, across all countries, is mapped and available in this route guide, which is an integral part of this website. The guide is available in four languages, including itineraries, accommodation, services, and points of interest.

The application can be downloaded onto a smartphone, providing hikers with a detailed guide, supported by GPS positioning, as well as the option to print the stages in advance.

Local and Regional Walking

The Via Columbani offers a great range of local and regional walks, in every country, across hugely varied landscapes. 

There are attractive day or weekend walks, including for families or older people, but also hikes suitable for experienced ramblers, for a few days, a week or longer.

Those interested, whether walkers, cyclists or motorcyclists, can choose the stretches of the Via Columbani that they wish to follow, by using the Via Columbani route guide, or by getting in touch with the local members of the  Partnership, identified on this site.

Future development

In every country of the Partnership, considerable work is under way strengthen and extend the range of the walking trails. The Via Columbani route guide is being updated and enhanced in parallel.

A debate is underway concerning other modes of transportation, such as by bicycle or motorcycle. For organized walks, solutions are already proposed for less mobile individuals, through shared transport along public roads.

Walks scheduled on the Via Columbani in 2025

Republic of Ireland:

  • From Carlow to Athy (South East Ireland) from July 12th to 17th, on the occasion of the 2025 Columban’s Day, with the support of the Via Columbani Partnership.
  • In County Meath: Clonard-Trim-Bective-Hill of Tara-Dalgan. 13th & 14th June. Option to do the section from Trim to Bective by kayak, on the Boyne River. This is an interfaith, intercultural walk, inviting people from different religions and cultures.
  • In County Cavan. 16th August. An 8Km pilgrim walk along the Columban Way to the Mass Rock in Maudabawn, Co. Cavan. Here, Turas Columbanus will celebrate the beginning of Heritage Week; also the Jubilee Year, as ‘pilgrims of Hope’. The theme of the walk is ‘Exploring our foundations.’
  • In County Carlow, a walk will take place in September, across Mt. Leinster. Date to be determined.

Contact : turascolumbanus@gmail.com


  • Monthly walks along the Via Columbani, on the first Friday of the month, starting March 7th.
  • Hiking in Switzerland in the Creux-du-Van and the Sentier des Statues (statue trails): 2nd and 3rd of May.
  • Walking along the Via Columbani from Gondrecourt-le-Château to Châtenois. 10th and 11th May.
  • From From Amboise to Angers along the Loire on the ‘Path of Exile’ from May 26th to June  6th. 
  • Walking along the Via Columbani from Luxeuil to Annegray.
  • Pilgrimage on foot and by bus from Dijon to Bobbio along the Via Columbani ‘Exile’ trail, organised by the regional president of Bourgogne-Franche Compté for the Camino de Santiago. From the 9th to the 19th of September.
  • Walking to discover the chapels of Faucogney. September 14th.

Contact : merlevede.jg@gmail.com


  • A two-day pilgrimage on the Via Columbani (the Kolumbansweg) in Austria, from Bregenz to Feldkirch, including a visit to the newly renovated Gallus Church in Bregenz. The first day (approximately 13 km) ends at Dornbirn, to spend the night in Hohenems. The second day to Rankweil and Feldkirch (another 16 km).
  • On the 1st of November, a one-day pilgrimage from Feldkirch (Autria) to Vaduz (Liechtenstein) : around 17 km.

Contact : info@kolumbansweg.ch


  • Four stages of the Cammino di San Colombano, from Val Chiavenna to Dervio from April 25th to 28th.