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Camping de l'Île Batailleuse in Varades St-Florent-le-Vieil
Hébergement - Via Columbani
Pays de la Loire

Camping de l'Île Batailleuse in Varades St-Florent-le-Vieil

Detail. : Camping
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Campsite located on the Ile de Batailleuse in the middle of the Loire by the bridge over the D 752.
There are 4 Saharan tents for 3 people and one 5-person tent (bed base, mattress, blanket) available for rent per night (4 tents with 3 beds / 1 tent with 5 beds) and 4 canvas bivouacs on stilts (2 places each). Unusual accommodation.

Practical informations

Reservation required


Camping Eco’Loire
Ile batailleuse
49 410 Saint-Florent-le-Vieil

Tél : 0033 (0) 240 967 020
