Marckolsheim to Neuf Brisach
14. 610 France (8/8)
Marckolsheim to Neuf Brisach
Grand Est

6. Marckolsheim to Neuf Brisach

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Following the old Rhine-Rhone canal to the city of Neuf Brisach. The architecture created by Vauban who is also an architect and urban planner, wishing to make a site to the glory of the King, the aesthetics being then at the service of the magnificence of the royal power.
Your walk along the canal continues during this stage with fields of crops and you will pass through forests and discover the Colmar canal, which connects the former port area of Colmar to the Rhine. The two canals cross in front of you. The town of Neuf-Brisach, with its perfect grid of streets, awaits you.

4 points of interest

  • Tourist

    Church of St. John the Baptist in Biesheim

    According to Prosper Mérimée: "In 1103, the bishop of Basel donated the church of Biesheim to the convent of St. Alban in Basel, which established a "priory" there. During the Reformation, the city of Basel sold this Biesheim establishment, including the parish, to the town of Brisach, which subsequently commissioned the Capuchins to provide worship there. A pilgrimage is mentioned in 1273 and in the 16th century. The church is demolished and rebuilt in the new town created by Ludwig XIV, the "Ville-de-Paille" (1679). In 1703, the parish church was moved to Biesheim again and a church was built when the "Ville-de-Paille" was destroyed. The building was extended in 1826-1827. Totally destroyed during the bombings of 1944-1945, the church was rebuilt in 1952 according to the plans of the architect Georges Collet".
  • Cultural

    Gallo-Roman Museum and Optical Museum in Biesheim

    The Gallo-Roman Museum in Biesheim is dedicated to one of the major sites on the Upper Rhine plain, comprising a settlement, a 1st century military camp and a 4th century palace fortress.
    The Optics Museum displays more than 400 objects which describe the development of optics over the last three centuries. The main fields of application of optics such as astronomy, topography, the navy, microscopy, medical optics or even laser and holography can be discovered.
  • Tourist

    Story of the creation of a new town: Neuf-Brisach

    In 1697, the Treaties of Ryswick signed in Rijswijk, a Dutch town on the outskirts of The Hague, put an end to the war of the League of Augsburg between Louis XIV and the Grand Alliance. France lost the stronghold of Brisach on the German bank of the Rhine. To make up for the loss of the old stronghold, which left a defensive gap between Strasbourg and Mulhouse, Louis XIV decided to build a new fortified town opposite Brisach, half a league from the Rhine, to prevent any invasion from across the Rhine. He entrusts the study to his architects Vauban and Jacques Tarade.
    More information: Wikipedia
  • Historical

    Royal Church St Louis Neuf-Brisach

    The Royal Church of Saint-Louis is part of the historical heritage of the city built by Vauban. It was completed in 1736 but at the beginning it lacked interior decoration and it would take 10 years for the interior decorations (painted panels, high altar, pulpit), side chapels and woodwork to be completed. It was consecrated to Saint-Louis, King of France, by Bishop Gobel of Basel in 1777.


Departure from the church square, follow the rue Maréchal Foch, turn right towards the rue de l'Alma and then right into the rue d'Elsenheim on the D 10.
  1. At the bridge turn left to follow the towpath for 5,500 metres
  2. Press on the right on 400 m, cross the bridge and catch the towpath. On 3.7 km, follow the dike in the middle of the 2 canals and follow the right bank up to Neuf Brisach, which is located at the Royal Church of Saint Louis.
  • Departure : St. George's Church, Marckolsheim
  • Arrival : Royal St. Louis Church, 26 Place d'Armes Général de Gaulle, 68600 Neuf-Brisach
  • Towns crossed : Grand Est

Altimetric profile

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