Navan Fort to Gosford Forest

Navan Fort to Gosford Forest

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From Navan Fort, the Columban Way follows the waymarked path of Saint Patrick to Downpatrick, where his tomb is located.
The route takes in rolling countryside, passing through Armagh and visiting two cathedrals dedicated to St Patrick, depending on the religion.

4 points of interest

  • Tourist

    Navan Centre

    Navan Centre is a place where myth and reality meet. It is one of Ireland's most famous and important archaeological sites, the legendary Emain Macha. Legends say that Macha, the ancient goddess of war and fertility, marked the land with her pin and traced the famous outline of this sacred stronghold of the hero Cu Chulainn, home to the famous Knights of the Red Branch and the Ulster Tale Cycle.
  • Historical

    Callan Bridge

    Old stone bridge with multiple arches.
  • Cultural

    St Patrick's Anglican Cathedral

    The cathedral of St Patrick's Church in Ireland stands on the hill from which the city of Armagh takes its name - Ard Mhacha, the height of Macha. By tradition, Patrick came to Armagh and asked the local chief, Daire, to build a church on the summit of Druím Saíleach, the Hill of Willows. After an initial refusal, he was given the site and built his first church in the year 445.

    Find out more here.
  • Historical

    Gosford Castle

    Gosford Castle is a 19th-century country house. Designed in the Neo-Norman style, it was occupied by the Earls of Gosford until 1921, when it was purchased by the Ministry of Agriculture to form a forest park. The building subsequently fell into disrepair and was sold in 2006 for conversion into private housing.

    More about the building


Dal centro di Navan, tornare a nord sulla Navan Fort Road:
  1. Svoltate a destra su questa piccola strada e seguitela verso est fino a incrociare una strada più grande.
  2. Salire lungo la strada sterrata in direzione di una collina e di un complesso residenziale a 200 m di distanza. Attraversate la strada successiva e proseguite verso est lungo il piccolo sentiero asfaltato a destra dei campi sportivi fino all'incrocio successivo, a 400 m di distanza, segnalato da un semaforo.
  3. Attraversare il fiume Legarhill a destra sul ponte pedonale. Alla prima strada svoltate a sinistra seguendo i cartelli blu/gialli “St Patrick's cycle route”. Proseguire verso est per 500 m in direzione della Cattedrale anglicana di San Patrizio, ben visibile sulla collina. Svoltate a sinistra e salite i gradini per raggiungere un parcheggio e un cancello che blocca la strada di accesso alla cattedrale.
  4. Attraversare il cancello e risalire un po' la strada prima di attraversare un altro cancello per accedere alla visita della cattedrale. All'uscita, girare intorno all'edificio per uscire di nuovo sul lato est attraverso un cancello. Percorrere la piazza, passando a sinistra della biblioteca. Attraversare la strada ai piedi della piazza e prendere l'attraversamento pedonale a sinistra del ristorante Embers, che costeggia un parcheggio prima di scendere le scale fino a una strada trafficata e a un semaforo. Attraversare la strada al semaforo e girare a sinistra nel parco.
  5. Turn right into the park lane which runs alongside the road. After 200m at the park exit, follow the Barrack hill road (signposted St Patrick) eastwards for 400m as it climbs before descending towards the River Ballynaphone.
  6. Before the river, turn right at a gap in the wall and follow the track south for 1.2km along and over the river before reaching the Newry road.
  7. Follow the pavement alongside this road for 800m and turn left (signposted St Patrick) onto the footpath which runs alongside this road for 600m.
  8. Turn right onto a small road (signposted St Patrick) and continue along this for 1km until you reach the next junction, where the signs indicate that you should turn right. The same thing happens 500m further on.
  9. After 1km heading south, turn left heading east following the signs for 3.5km and a small cemetery on the right.
  10. At the next crossroads after 100m, turn right onto the road and then immediately left to enter the grounds of Gosford Castle through the gate.
  • Departure : Navan Fort
  • Arrival : Gosford Castle
  • Towns crossed : Armagh

Altimetric profile

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