Way marking

All the national and regional routes that make up Via Columbani total about 8000km across 20 regions in 9 different countries.

Except for some very characteristic places in the life of Saint Columban and Saint Gall, the Via Columbani is not marked for reasons of financial economy but also of nature conservation by greatly reducing the carbon impact of a markup. this scale (manufacturing, installation and maintenance) and avoiding further degrading certain natural areas now overloaded with indications.

Via Columbani is the first to use modern means of information and localization from its conception to replace traditional markup:

  • Website dedicated to the preparation of the outings: information, printing outings / stages or downloading the route in a hiking GPS with sufficient autonomy,
  • Mobile application to follow the path even offline, to inform and reserve a service at any time without getting heavier and burdened with topo-guides.

However, you will encounter the following markings at the characteristic locations of the path

Explanatory panel
Historical places
Luxovian circuit

You will also encounter specific markings associated with local circuits


France (around Luxeuil)

The Monk's Path is part of the Via Columbani. It offers a hike of about twenty kilometers connecting the significant places of Columbanism between Luxeuil and Annegray.

Italy (region of Bobbio)

The Via di San Colombano is part of the Via Columbani. It offers a three-day hike between Pavia and Bobbio on a path traveled by the monks of Bobbio and perhaps Saint Colomban himself.