Espace Bernadette Soubirous in Nevers
Espace Bernadette Soubirous in Nevers

Espace Bernadette Soubirous in Nevers

Detail. : Religious House
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Accommodation in a religious congregation in downtown Nevers.

Would you like to sleep in the former Saint-Gildard convent where Bernadette Soubirous lived?
Being housed on site gives you access, outside of public hours, to the chapel where Bernadette rests today, as well as to the park.
In an exceptional setting, in the city centre, Espace Bernadette offers several rooms. You can also have lunch and dinner every day of the year.

Practical informations

On reservation only


Espace Bernadette Soubirous

34, Rue Saint Gildard

58 000 Nevers

Tél : 0033 (0) 386 719 950