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Le relais de Mantelot in Châtillon-sur-Loire
Hébergement - Via Columbani
Centre-Val de Loire

Le relais de Mantelot in Châtillon-sur-Loire

Detail. : Guesthouse
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Bed and Breakfast in an old lock-keeper's house dating from 1839, completely renovated in 2004.
The owners offer drinks, ice creams, homemade pancakes. Open all year round
The Chambres d'Hôtes are located on the left bank of the Loire river, 1 km from the lock of Les Combles by taking the bridge of Châtillon-sur-Loire.

Practical informations

Reservation required


Maison Éclusière de Mantelot
Guilaine et Michel POURON

7, rue Octave et Renée Montembault
45 360 Châtillon-sur-Loire
Tél. : 0033 (0) 238 311 235
0033 (0) 635 117 336
