Perriers-sur-Andelle to Gournay-en-Bray
05. 590 France (2/3)
Perriers-sur-Andelle to Gournay-en-Bray

2. Perriers-sur-Andelle to Gournay-en-Bray

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We will cross state forests and the bocage areas of the Bray country as far as Gournay-en-Bray.
It is a liaison stage, you are walking on the edge of a department, caution is required especially in overcast weather. Take the time to discover the heritage you will meet.
This long stage can be done in 2 days, you have accommodation along the way.

6 points of interest

  • Tourist

    Saint-Etienne Church in Perriers-sur-Andelle

    The parish dedicated to Saint Etienne, together with the Perriers estate, was given to the Abbey of Saint-Ouen de Rouen in 1050 by William, Count d'Arques, and his brother Archbishop Mauger. The present building is a vast cruciform flint construction of Romanesque origin. At the end of the 11th century, the plan of the building, the transept, the bell tower on the crossing of the transept and the walls of the nave belong to the building. The buttresses of the nave were added in the 13th century. The western façade was rebuilt after 1868 by the architect Simon, in the style of the 13th century, as were the bays of the nave. In the 14th century, the crossing was vaulted with ribbed vaults and the choir had a flat chevet. Inside, the nave is roofed with a roofing framework with exposed crosspieces and punches, moulded sandpits and painted decoration from the end of the 16th century. In the choir is an 18th century painted and gilded altarpiece and a large 19th century glass roof by Duhamel Marette.
    In Perriers-sur-Andelle, thistle was grown for the cloth factories of Louviers and Elbeuf. In 1840, three cotton mills, four wheat mills and a fuller's mill were built on the river as well as brick and plaster factories.
  • Tourist

    Saint-Denis Church in Lyons-la-Forêt

    The Saint-Denis church in Lyons-la-Forêt dates mainly from the 15th century. Parts of the walls date from the 12th century; the bays of the chevet from the 13th century. The bell tower, the north chapel and the turret date from the 16th century. The vaulting dates from the end of the 16th century.
    The church was built with alternating sandstone and flint. The nave is unique, the choir has three vaulted vessels visible from the outside.
  • Tourist

    Half-timbered houses in the centre of Lyons-la-Forêt

    Lyons-la-Forêt, a charming village classified as one of the Most Beautiful Villages in France, nestles in the heart of France's largest beech forest, the Lyons State Forest.
    The 17th and 18th century timber-framed houses and its streets form a ring around the ancient feudal mound. The market hall, which is worth the detour, dates from the same period.
    Take the time to discover the streets in this postcard of Normandy.
  • Historical

    Fleury-la-Forêt Castle

    The construction of the castle dates from the 16th century by Pierre de Courcol, in the 17th century the building is the property of the de Caumont family, a fire devastated the castle in the middle of the 17th century.
    Charles de Caumont had the building rebuilt by adding a chapel.
    At the beginning of the 18th century the knight Jacques Dauger bought the estate and harmoniously added two small buildings at the ends and restored the central part. The laying of the gate in 1789 completed this restoration.
    After the Revolution the castle is sold to the Combault d'Auteuil family, several owners will succeed one another until today.
    Currently the castle is a private property which offers bed and breakfast.
  • Tourist

    Saint-Denis and Saint-Brice Church of Fleury-la-Forêt

    Saint-Denis and Saint-Brice church in Fleury-la-Forêt is built according to a Latin cross plan. It is divided into six bays including a narthex and a projecting transept. The chevet is semi-circular and polygonal; an annex building is grafted onto it. There is also a porch on the west façade of the church.
    The west facade is flat and gabled. It is flanked by two buttresses. A porch is grafted onto it; it is pierced by a door.
    At the level of the South facade: the narthex is flanked by two buttresses. The nave facade is pierced with six pointed arch openings; the south transept has a gable facade, and the bay is carved with ornaments.
    The chevet has three sides. The north and south-facing sides are pierced by a semicircular arched bay. On the east side there is a gabled building with a bay in the shape of a basket-handle.
    A bell tower is placed on the ridge of the roof. The arrowhead is octagonal and there are four square-shaped bell towers. There is a clock on its west side.
    The roof of the church has a double slope.
  • Tourist

    Collégiale Saint-Hildevert in Gournay-en-Bray

    In the 11th century, the collegiate church, then dedicated to Saint Stephen, was built. It was rebuilt in the 12th century on its remains. Its plan originally consisted of a nave with side aisles of six bays, a transept with apsidioles and a tower at the crossing, a choir of three bays and a flat chevet.
     At the beginning of the 12th century during a conflict the collegiate church was burnt down. What remains of the collegiate church are the walls of the Romanesque nave and the vaults of the choir of St. Joseph's chapel. Gothic arches cover the nave and the transept, while the choir is partly rebuilt. The new collegiate church was consecrated in 1192. The western façade was redesigned in the 13th century. The last bay is surmounted by two unfinished square towers. It is at this period that the dedication to Saint Hidevert appears following the passage of three clerics from Meaux carrying the relics of Saint Hildevert, bishop of the town of Meaux. In the 14th century, the chevet is pierced by a large window. The tower at the crossing of the transept disappeared in 1617, replaced by a lantern tower destroyed in 1649. From 1650 to 1660, the two towers were raised by a slate-covered, timber-framed bell tower. Inside, one can observe the hunt of Saint-Hildevert, and the stained glass windows of the choir that retraces his life. The organ dates from the 16th century.


Leave the car park of the church of Perriers-sur-Andelle by your right, rue de l'Eglise, left rue du Général de Gaulle, at the roundabout left, rue de la Valette
  1. Right at the crossroads with rue de la Hêtraies, immediately left in the woods C53 chemin vicinal de Perrier in Lyons-la-Forêt, right at the junction with D6, straight ahead at the crossroads with D169
  2. Dirt road on the right at the edge of the wood, on the left, go down on the right on asphalt road, on the right in front of the church, cross the river La Lieure, at the crossroads on the left rue du Bout de Bas, second street on the right, rue de l'Hôtel de Ville, rue Froide, boulevard du Général de Gaulle D6
  3. Turn left on the D 14 route de Beauficel, turn left at the crow's feet on the D 14, route de Lyons
  4. In Fleury-la-Forêt turn right at the crossroads rue de l'Église, left on the D 14 E towards Bézancourt, D 401 at the entrance to the forest, second path on the left into the forest to cut the D 401, turn left again on the D 401
  5. In Bézancourt turn right after the church, route du Long Fond, at the exit of the village turn left on rue du Moulin, straight ahead at the crossroads with Route Principale D1, straight ahead at the crossroads, stay on your right, in the woods turn left.
  6. Straight ahead at the junction with asphalt road, route de la Plaine, first road on the right, left straight ahead at the junction with asphalt road, right D 221, route de Gournay, in Gournay-en-Bray straight ahead rue du Croquet du Bosc on the right
  7. At the crossroads with route de Montmorency, take the road in front of you in the little wood, passage du Comté, turn right rue de la Halle, cross the Place Nationale, turn right rue du Docteur Duchesne, first left rue de l'Eglise you arrive at the church Saint-Hildebert in Gournay-en-Bray.
  • Departure : Saint-Étienne Church, 11 rue de l’église 27 910 Perriers-sur-Andelle
  • Arrival : Saint-Hildebert Church, 16 esplanade de l’Église, 76 312 Gournay-en-Bray
  • Towns crossed : Normandie

Altimetric profile

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