A Short Summary of the Statutes
The Partners and Members, in different countries and regions, follow and support the aims of the Columban Charter of Partnership.
The Members of the Partnership
Currently, four Key Partners work to facilitate the involvement of supporters of the Charter from every country and region of Europe, to involve them in projects and collaboration. They are listed here.
Other Members (‘Ordinary Members’) are organizations, public or private, that have signed the Charter. Ordinary Members are typically affiliated with one of the Key Partners, in their country or region.
The Partnership Board is appointed by the Key Partners. It ensures the good functioning and management of the Partnership. At the founding of the Partnership, the following officers were appointed:
- Chairperson: Deborah Girvan
- Vice-Chairpersons: Simon Derache, Pat Colgan
- Secretary: David Ward-Perkins
- Treasurer: Wolfgang Sieber
The Committee of Experts is composed of experts and authorities on the different aspects relating to the aim and purpose of the partnership and includes:
A Scientific Committee, dedicated to the history and legacy of Columbanus and Gall.
Expert Working Groups dedicated to:
- The development of pilgrimage routes.
- Cultural activities.
- Education and the involvement of young people.
- Tourism.
- Religion and spiritual values.
- Environmental protection.
The Committee of Experts is self-governing. It is the guarantor of the Charter and its values and has an advisory role for the Partnership Board and for all the Partners.