Biencourt-sur-Orge to Gondrecourt-le-Château
06. 590 France (3/3)
Biencourt-sur-Orge to Gondrecourt-le-Château
Grand Est

6. Biencourt-sur-Orge to Gondrecourt-le-Château

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During this stage you have an appointment with an Irish monk who was a contemporary of Saint Colomban and at Gondrecourt-le-Château you will go back in time to the 7th century, the time of the influence of the monastery of Luxeuil in Gaul.
Ribeaucourt with its fortified church is the first village crossed during this stage. The landscape is cluttered with windmills before arriving in Bonnet, Saint Florentin will tell you his story. Gondrecourt-le-Château, a town with a rich past whose origins could go back to the Merovingian era.
The Duke Gondoin, Count of Ornois, is said to be at the origin of this town (Gondri-curtis), whose site was occupied as early as the Neolithic period. Gondoin was the father of Saint Salaberge, a family very close to Saint Walbert, the third abbot of Luxeuil.
The upper town awaits you with its medieval tower which houses a horse museum.

4 points of interest

  • Tourist

    Biencourt-sur Orge

    The village of Biencourt-sur-Orge is known for its cheese dairy which has been making cheese for 132 years, including Brie dit de Meaux.
    The river Orge, a tributary of La Saulx, is crossed by an 18th century stone bridge. 18th century Calvary to visit with the 19th century church.

  • Historical

    Fortified church of Saint-Martin de Ribeaucourt

    Ribeaucourt, built in the 16th century on the heights of the village is located in an enclave between Lorraine and Bassigny Champenois, was rich in iron ore and a forge would have existed. This strategic position led to several destructions of the church of Saint-Martin and motivated the reconstruction of the church with its bell tower in the shape of a fortified keep. The 19th century roof structure is of the most beautiful effect.
    To visit it when you arrive in the village, take the first street on the right which crosses the river Orge and then go up the rue du Ham to discover this beautiful church.

  • St Columban

    Church Saint-Florentin in Bonnet

    Saint-Florentin, son of a king of Scotland or Ireland who came incognito in the 7th century to keep pigs at Bonnet, was the origin of many miracles (cures of the mentally ill). His fame attracted pilgrims from all over Europe, which explains the size of the church with pews dated 1723. A place of pilgrimage, St. Florentine's bed is installed in the church built from the 13th to the 15th century. At the exit of the village, (opposite the church in the Grande Rue, turn left) you will discover the miraculous fountain where Saint-Florentin won his fight against the devil.  Before going on your way, by the Grande Rue, turn right into the rue de la Villotte for 240 m, crossing the D960 to admire the "égayoir", the name given to a paved pond used to clean horses and beasts of burden.
    The church is currently closed for restoration work, including murals (16th century) depicting the life of the patron saint.

  • Tourist

    Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in Gondrecourt

    In the 12th century, a priory church was built and then various restorations over the centuries will enlarge the building. The last restoration of the exterior is recent. Enter to admire the 16th century tomb and the canopy of the choir.


Cross l'Orge, turn right onto Rue de Ribeaucourt, D127, to Ribeaucourt. At the exit of Ribeaucourt, turn right on the D191 direction Houdelaincourt, then slightly right, take the Chemin de Bonnet.
  1. Take the second track on your right and the first on the left, stay on the track which turns left into the Ormançon valley then right to cross the river.
  2. Left oblique to the crow's-foot
  3. At the second crossroads of 4 roads turn right, La Bassinière, take the first road on the left and turn right at the crossroads.
  4. Crossroads in bonnet turn left, Grande Rue, take the D960 for 250 m, take the tarred track on the right, La croix le Doyen. Stay on the tarmac road for 3.8km.
  5. Cross the Ornain and turn right towards Le Granit. At Le Granit turn left twice to go up to join the D966 and turn right towards Gondrecourt-le-Château, rue du Général Leclerc, turn right to cross l'Ornain and straight ahead, take the third street on the left to go up to the church.
  • Departure : Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul Church, 1 rue du Four 55 290 Biencourt-sur-Orge
  • Arrival : Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, Place de l’église, 55 130 Gondrecourt-le-Château
  • Towns crossed : Grand Est

Altimetric profile

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