Imbersago to Cassano d’Adda
18. 610 Italy (2/2)
Imbersago to Cassano d’Adda

8. Imbersago to Cassano d’Adda

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As you approach Milan, the metropolis of Lombardy, a rich region in northern Italy, you can guess the intense agricultural and industrial activities on the plateau, but the steep and wooded path at the bottom of the valley on the Adda river offers a change of scenery and calm by the fast water.
A powerful mountain river, the Adda has dug its bed, which now winds its way through steeply sloping gorges. On either side of this fault, cities and cultures alternate on the plateau that can be seen beyond the steep and wooded slopes.

12 points of interest

  • Cultural

    Church of the Alpini

    Chapel dedicated to the Alpinis, the Italian mountain soldiers.
  • Tourist

    San Michele Bridge

    An Eiffel-type bridge built on one of the most beautiful views of the Adda River painted by Leonardo da Vinci as a backdrop.
  • Cultural

    Oratory of San Ambrogio

    A small baroque oratory on the edge of the cycle path between the Adda and its diversion channel.
  • Cultural

    Sanctuary of the Madonna della Rochetta

    Ancient and beautiful church built on top of a small hill, with a magnificent view over some meanders of the Adda River.
  • Tourist

    Carlo Esterle hydroelectric station

    The Esterle hydroelectric power station dates back to 1914. It is known for its architecture, which is inspired by older Lombardy buildings, both on the outside and inside in the machine rooms. It has been modernised several times since 1998, while preserving the architecture and some of the old machinery. The power station is still in operation.
  • Cultural

    Sanctuary of Divine Maternity

    Convent belonging to the Carmelite order. Baroque Lombard style church with an illuminated altar.
  • Historical

    Villa Castelbarco

    Villa Castelbarco is a rural palace built on the site of a former monastery, whose general shape it takes on.
  • Tourist

    Villa Melzi

    This villa welcomed Leonardo da Vinci who made some drawings and machines left to his owner, Gérolamo Melzi.
  • Cultural

    Church of Sant Columban

    Romanesque church from the 12th century with a statue of Saint Colomban and magnificent bas-reliefs.
  • Tourist

    Rudùn (the big wheel)

    Faithful reconstruction of the wheel wanted by San Carlo Borromeo to draw water and irrigate the gardens of the neighbouring archbishop's palace, the autumn residence of the Milanese prelates, who stayed there for hunting and grape processing. The bridge is neo-gothic.
  • Cultural

    Church of San Bartolomeo

    Neo-Gothic church.
  • Historical

    Leonardo's self-supporting bridge

    Self-supporting bridge designed by Leonardo da Vinci.


From the church of San Paolo, reach the Adda by the direct path of arrival:

  1. At the water's edge, turn right on via Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci. In the hamlet of Traghetto sull'Adda, where it is possible to cross the river by boat, continue along the waterfront track to the Edison Semenza hydroelectric power station.

  2. Turn left on the lock in front of a stone building and then right to continue the track on a strip of land between a canal and the river. Pass under the large San Michele metal bridge of the SP54 and continue to a chapel and a footbridge that allows you to cross a canal. Follow the track between the canal and the river to the Madonna della Rochetta sanctuary.

  3. Cross the canal by a footbridge at the foot of the sanctuary and continue on the right bank of the canal until the next footbridge at a lock that leads back to the other bank. At Edison Martini generating station, cross the canal again to follow the canal along the track to the next Edison Esterle generating station. Continue along this Via Alzaia until you reach Trezzo sull'Adda. The waterfront tour of the city is inaccessible due to a landslide, which means that you have to go up and cross through the city.

  4. At the pier, go up via Barnabo Visconti until you meet a stairway on the right. Take the stairs to Via Ermigli and follow it to the first street on the left (Via Roma) then the first street on the right (Via Antonio da Trezzo followed by Piazza della Liberta). At the end of the piazza, continue left on via Valverde until the second street on the right (via Pietro Marocco). In the bend to the left of this street, take the path that goes down to the edge of the Adda river. Pass under the SP104 bridge to reach the waterfront runway. Follow the shoreline, pass under the motorway bridge and reach a lock at a dam that marks the beginning of the Naviglio Martesana Canal. Follow the canal and, before the sanctuary of the Divina Maternita di Maria, cross the river to the other side by a bridge. The asphalt track approaches the undeveloped river near the Crespi d'Adda power station, then deviates from it in the Salecc park and joins Vaprio d'Adda by an industrial zone and via Alzaia Nord.

  5. At the bridge over the canal at the bottom of Vaprio d'Adda, continue on the SP575 sidewalk that crosses the Adda a little further. At this bridge, continue on the same side of the canal by the small road (via Alzaia sud) which, with the canal, turns right at the height of a stone bridge. Continue on the left bank of the canal which goes away from the Adda river and then gradually approaches it. Pass by the Vaprio d'Adda power station, in the Adda Morta nature reserve until you reach the Groppello d'Adda industrial estate where the canal is closest to the Adda. Join via Fara, continue along the canal via Cassano leaving three bridges on the right until the change of direction of the canal at right angles towards the West at Cassano d'Adda.

  6. At the bridge after the bend of the canal, turn left (Via Europa) until Via Vincenzo Gioberti (second street on the right). Turn left to the modern church.
  • Departure : Church of San Paolo, via Cantu 1, 23898 Imbersago
  • Arrival : Church of the Annunciation, via Gioberti 30, 20062 Cassano d'Adda
  • Towns crossed : Lombardia

Altimetric profile

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