Ouanne to Entrains-sur-Nohain
08. 610 France (2/8)
Ouanne to Entrains-sur-Nohain

7. Ouanne to Entrains-sur-Nohain

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Following the old Roman road you arrive at Entrains-sur-Nohain.

Forests and crops alternate at this stage. You can take a break in Sougères-en-Puisaye to visit the church of Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul, in a flamboyant ogival style, then admire the castle "Les Barres", a private estate. Take the time to discover the Gallo-Roman history of Entrains-sur-Nohain.

5 points of interest

  • Tourist

    Notre-Dame church, Ouanne

    The Notre-Dame d'Ouanne church, rebuilt between 1495 and 1520 thanks to the generosity of the families of the Ulmes and Beaujeu, illustrates quite well the influence of flamboyant Gothic in the Auxerrois region. It consists of a nave of three vessels, whose sides extend in a wander around a pentagonal choir. A seigneurial chapel, probably later, is grafted onto the northern ambulatory. The whole building is vaulted on cross-heads, with keys hanging in the choir.

    Learn more about the church La Sauvegarde de l'Art Français 

  • Historical

    History of the city of Ouanne

    The locality already existed in Gallo-Roman times under the name Odouna or Oduna.
    The town is crossed by the old Roman road from Auxerre to Bourges. It was still known in the High Middle Ages, in 841 Charles the Bald followed this road to opposite Thury, where he set up his military camp before delivering the battle of Fontenoy (Fontanetum).
    An important battle took place between Ouanne and Fontenoy, 11km away. It pitted Lothaire I, the eldest son of Louis the Pious, against his two brothers, Louis the Germanic and Charles the Bald. France was separated from the Western Empire by the Treaty of Verdun in 843.
    More information Battle of Fontenoy
  • Tourist

    Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul Church in Sougères-en-Puisaye

    Parish church of St. Peter and St. Paul of Sougères-en-Puisaye, with a beautiful flamboyant ogival style, forming a parallelogram, with irregular extension to the choir. On the tympanum, three niches decorated with canopies, but empty, pigeons with cabbage on the crawl. On the right, a small door of the same style. A very low bell tower rises on the choir. Inside: three ogival stone vaulted naves. The large nave with four wide spans of 4.50 m each, which caused too much thrust, hence the need to build double buttresses.

  • Tourist

    Castle "Des Barres"

    The current layout of the Château des Barres after Sougères-en-Puysaye belongs to Claude Chaillou, born on June 6, 1784 in Beaumont la Ferrière. Son of a blacksmith master, he studied brilliantly. An auditor at the Conseil d'Etat in 1805, he married Marguerite de Champagny (1788-1837), daughter of Napoleon's Minister of Foreign Affairs, which opened up an important official career in the Napoleonic administration.

    The park was designed by Achille Duchène (1866-1947) in 1903, son of Henri Duchène, a great French landscape gardener who revived the gardens in the tradition of Versailles and Le Nôtre, to replace a more romantic landscape, probably designed by Chaillou des Barres.

    The chapel (19th century) is currently being restored.

    The castle cannot be visited.

  • Tourist

    Saint-Sulpice Church

    The Church of Entrains sur Nohain is placed under the name of Saint Sulpice, it is dated to the 13th - 16th - 18th centuries. Its choir dates from the 13th century, the nave and transept were built in 1595. The two chapels are dated from the 15th century, for Sainte Marie, and the 17th century for Saint Joseph. The bell tower tower porch is from 1766.


Leave the church of Ouanne by the rue Principale and continue straight ahead by the rue de Saint-Sauveur.

  1. Take the first road on the left 
  2. Cross the D425 at the crossroads and continue on the Roman road in the continuity of the previous path, always straight ahead 
  3. After 4.4km and the third crossroads, take the path at right angles for 0.5km then turn left, the path turning right, and continue straight ahead until you reach the paved road of the shooting range
  4. Turn left then right into the wood after 100 meters, straight ahead
  5. At the crossroads with D73, take the road opposite for 400 meters, turning left with the possibility of visiting Sougères en Puisaye and returning to your steps to continue
  6. At the crossroads with Grand rue de Sougères, turn right and immediately left, stay on the Roman road, alternating stone or earth path. Cross the D6 and then the D66, access to the castle "Les Barres" and go back to your steps to continue
  7. Arrived at Entrains-sur-Nohain by the rue de la voie romaine, turn right into the route d'Étais, third on the right then left on rue Jourdon to reach the church.
  • Departure : Church Notre-Dame, 2 rue de l'église, 89 560 Ouanne
  • Arrival : Church Saint-Sulpice, 2 B Place Saint-Sulpice, 58410 Entrains-sur-Nohain
  • Towns crossed : Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Altimetric profile


Bus to Nièvre 


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