Vernon to Vétheuil
12. 610 France (6/8)
Vernon to Vétheuil

6. Vernon to Vétheuil

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A stage where culture and nature come together. The impressionists in Giverny, the castle of La Roche-Guyon and the Vexin regional park to finish with the Coteaux de la Seine nature reserve.
A break in Giverny will allow you to immerse yourself in the landscapes that seduced the impressionists, Claude Monet immortalized this nature. After a walk on the fertile plateau, you will discover the town of La Roche Guyon with its castle leaning against the hill. You continue along the slopes of the Seine valley and the Coteaux de la Seine nature reserve.

6 points of interest

  • Tourist

    Collégiale Notre-Dame à Vernon

    Historical monument, the collegiate church of Notre Dame is considered one of the most beautiful specimens of medieval architecture in France. Built between the 11th and 16th centuries, it is composed of different architectural styles: the choir and the transept are in Romanesque style while the rest of the building was rebuilt in different Gothic styles (radiant, flamboyant and late Gothic). Inside the building, you will discover an organ dating from the beginning of the 17th century and restored in 1979. Magnificent abstract stained glass windows were installed in the 1970s to replace those destroyed during the Second World War.
  • Tourist

    Sainte-Radegonde Church à Giverny

    The church is of Romanesque origin.
    The oldest part is the hemicircular apse vaulted in cul-de-four which dates from the beginning of the 11th century.
    It is separated from the choir by a doubleau decorated with a torus falling on each side on a column whose base had claws and whose capital decorated with hooks has its tailloir decorated with diagonals and a sowing of spikes.
    The rest of the building was built between the 15th and 16th centuries. The north and south aisles, with two and three bays respectively, are vaulted over a cross vault and illuminated by mullioned windows and filled with either Renaissance or flamboyant elements.
    Outside you can see the dolmen and the tomb of the painter Claude Monet.

  • Cultural

    Claude Monet Museum in Giverny

    Claude Monet lived from 1883 to 1926, or forty-three years, in his house in Giverny. Fascinated by gardening as much as by colours, he designed his flower garden and water garden as real works of art. Walking in his garden and in his house, visitors always feel the atmosphere that reigned in the master of Impressionism and marvel at the flower compositions and the water lilies that were his most fertile sources of inspiration. Several hundred canvases represent landscapes of the Seine valley and Vétheuil his first residence.
  • Tourist

    Sainte-Geneviève Church in Gasny

    The church was built in the first quarter of the 19th century. It was patronized by the abbot of Saint Ouen of Rouen. The building is built in alternating apparatus of cut stones and pebbles. The clock was placed on the wall of the nave.

  • Tourist

    Saint-Crépin et Saint-Crépinien Church in Gommecourt

    This church, located in Gommecourt, essentially Gothic belongs to the first half of the 16th century, except for the nave which is of Romanesque origin. The building was rebuilt at the beginning of the 20th century. Saint Crépin and Saint Crépinien are shoemaker brothers who were martyred in Soissons in 287. They then became the patron saints of shoemakers.
  • Historical

    Château de la Roche-Guyon

    The castle has been leaning against the chalk cliff since the Middle Ages. An underground gallery gives access to the keep from the castle. This ancient fortress has undergone several alterations over the centuries, offering its visitors a strange journey through time.
    From the medieval keep to the 18th century stables, from the first troglodytic spaces to the experimental vegetable garden of the Enlightenment.
    A Merovingian necropolis attests to the presence of Christians in the High Middle Ages. A first troglodytic castle was built around 1066 to defend the Île-de-France, royal territory, as part of the fortification of the river Epte located on the border of Normandy. The Guy de la Roche family occupies the land from the 10th to the 15th centuries, it embellishes the site. In the 17th century the de La Rochefoucauld family became the owners, work is undertaken to build the current castle.
    More information Wikipedia


In front of the collegiate church of Vernon, turn left on rue Carnot, second street on the right, rue d'Albuféra D181, take the Clémenceau bridge over the Seine. First street on the right, D5 at the roundabout of l'Espace.
  1. On the left, pedestrian path along the large building, rue de la Ravine, cross route de Giverny, rue de la Ravine, on the right, route André Toufflet, direction Giverny, continue on dirt road, straight ahead at the crossroads with tarmac road.
  2. Turn left at the next crossroads with tarmac road, rue Georges Carpentier, red and white signs, turn left into a subdivision, continue on a dirt road in the forest, left straight ahead at the crossroads in the forest, right in front of the field, stay on your right.
  3. In Giverny, continue on a dirt road marked out in red and white, turn left at the crossroads on the asphalt road, right on the asphalt road then dirt road, first road on the right after the church bell tower, left on the Claude Monet street, straight ahead at the crossroads, Claude Monet street.
  4. After passing the Claude Monet Foundation, turn left on rue du Château d'Eau, right on rue Hélène Pillon, follow the road signs and white, left on a dirt road before the small house, first road on the right.
  5. Turn left at the crossroads and stay on your right, signposted in red and white, go straight on at the next crossroads, at the crossroads cross the dirt road and take the path slightly on your left.
  6. At the crossroads in X on the left, follow red and white signs, on the right first field road, go down towards Ste-Geneviève-lès-Gasny, on the left in front of the cemetery behind the trees, rue de la Vigne Blanche, on the right, cross D5 route de Gasny, red and white signs.
  7. Arrival in Gommecourt by rue de l'Eau, left Grande Rue, right Grande Rue, rue des Écoles, at the end of the field on the left along the small car park, follow the nature reserve of the Coteaux de la Seine, cross the rue de Gasny, route des Crêtes.
  8. On the right, rue Vieille Charrière de Gasny, after a right turn take right ruelle de la Glacière, red and white markings, left rue de l'Hôpital, at the roundabout continue rue de l'Hôpital, at the crossroads left rue de l'Audience, right, in front of the church left, ruelle des petites côtes, continue with the staircase on the right chemin de terre,
  9. Left on rue de la Charrière des Bois, first road on the right, follow red and white signs, stay on your right at the crossroads in the wood, left at the crossroads with Chemin du village, straight ahead in the forest, follow the path on the edge of the wood, red and white signs, straight ahead at the next crossroads.
  10. After having skirted the airfield of viol à voile, straight ahead in the direction of Vétheuil, skirting the cemetery, rue du cimetière you arrive at the church Notre-Dame de Vétheuil.
  • Departure : Notre Dame Collegiate Church, 1 bis rue du Chapitre, 27200 Vernon
  • Arrival : Notre-Dame Church, 13 rue de l’Église, 95510 Vétheuil
  • Towns crossed : Normandie and Île-de-France

Altimetric profile

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