Prémery to Nevers
08. 610 France (2/8)
Prémery to Nevers

10. Prémery to Nevers

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This stage is difficult because of its length but important in the life of Saint Colomban. It was in Nevers that he took the boat with his companions to go down the Loire to Nantes. Take the time to visit the heritage of Nevers.
Let us guide you through the Nivernais countryside, admire the churches and castles that mark out your stopover.
You can shorten this stage by spending the night in Montigny-aux-Amognes you will have covered 18 km and the next day you have 13 km and a large part of the day to visit Nevers. The rich heritage of the capital of the Nièvre will surprise you with a wink in the ambulatory at the chevet of the church of Saint-Etienne and many other discoveries.
You can stay in a hotel north of Nevers on the Nevers to La Charité-sur-Loire stage.

8 points of interest

  • Historical

    Castle of the Bishops of Nevers in Prémery

    In 802 in Prémery, Charlemagne returned the lands of Prémery to the bishops of Nevers, who remained owners until the Revolution. Construction of the castle began in the 12th century and the main building dates from the 16th century. Developments were carried out in the 17th century, in the 18th century, the place was abandoned by the bishops in favour of another castle closer to Nevers.

    No visit possible but go around the building from the porch (12th - 15th centuries)

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  • Tourist

    Saint-Pierre Church in Nolay

    The Church of Nolay is placed under the name of Saint Pierre, it is dated from the 16th-19th centuries. Rectangular in shape with a flat-headed heart and three chapels, its bell tower is square and was rebuilt in 1843.
    You can go around the cemetery to admire the landscape and find the way back to the Calvary.

    More about:Web-croqueur

  • Historical

    Castle of Prunevaux at Nolay

    The Fief des Prunevaux is a castle dating from the 18th century and redesigned in the 19th century. It was built on the ruins of a fortified house, of which only foundations and vaulted cellars remain. The castle has belonged to the noble Leroy de Prunevaux family since 1668. In the 16th century, master glassmakers arrived from Lorraine and settled in the Verrerie: they were responsible for the stained glass windows of the Priory. From this brilliant period, the park designed by Le Nôtre, a 16th century chapel and the Priory dating from the end of the 17th century remain.

    More about: Web-croqueur

  • Tourist

    Saint-Fiacre Church in Ourouër

    The church of Urouër is under the patronage of Saint Fiacre, an Irish monk who protects gardeners and landscape architects. The lands of Ourouër were under the protection of the abbey of Charité-sur-Loire. The 12th century church is rectangular in shape with an octagonal bell tower.

    More about: Wikipedia

  • Tourist

    Saint-Louis Church in Montigny-aux-Amognes

    The church of Montigny-aux-Amognes is under the patronage of Saint-Louis. It is composed of a nave and a choir with a round apse dating from the 11th century.
    A restoration program is underway.

    More about: La Bourgogne romane

  • St Columban

    Saint Stephen's Church in Nevers

    The history of St. Stephen's Priory begins with a question about the date of its foundation and the plaque dedicated to St. Columban in the south ambulatory of the choir adds to the mystery.
    It seems that tradition in Nevers relates the foundation of a community of women under the rule of Saint Colomban. Read Abbaye Notre-Dame de Nevers in the heritage of the city of Nevers.
    The Saint-Etienne priory was founded by Count William I of Nevers, who then placed it under the authority of the Abbey of Cluny. The church was built between 1063 and 1097. It may replace an older building.
    Take the time to visit one of the best preserved Romanesque churches in Burgundy.
  • Tourist

    Saint-Cyr and Sainte-Julitte in Nevers Cathedral

    The cathedral in Nevers is dedicated to Saint Cyr (Cyricus), martyred in 304 at the age of three, and to his mother Saint Juliet (Julitta) also martyred. It is built on the highest part of the city on the site of a Gallo-Roman temple dedicated to Janus, the remains of which were discovered around 1904 during archaeological excavations at the foot of the building. The diocese of Nevers was founded in the 6th century. In the 12th century, the building was rebuilt but still has its 6th century baptistery, which can be visited (information at the tourist office). Restored in the 18th century, the building is majestic in its size and brightness. By its double choir, so rare in churches, it deserves to be visited.

  • St Columban

    Notre-Dame Abbey in Nevers

    The beginnings of this abbey of Notre-Dame in Nevers remained for a long time in the shadow of the Babolene monk, trained at the abbey of Luxeuil in the 7th century. The springs are incomplete and archaeology will perhaps clarify the link with Luxembourg monasticism.

    Read the report of the 2004 archaeological excavations carried out by the Centre d'Étude Médiéval d'Auxerre
    To know more about it

    Today, in the rue Saint-Genest, there are still remains of the monastic buildings transformed into a retirement home.

    More about: Wikipedia

    If you have made the detour to rue Saint-Genest, we recommend that you walk a few dozen metres north of the abbey to take rue de la Porte du Croux, and admire the remains of the medieval ramparts that house the Archaeology Museum.

    More about: City of Nevers

    Stroll through the old streets of Nevers with half-timbered houses


From the bedside of the collegiate church of Prémery by the right Place des Halles, main street take the fourth street on the left rue de la Gare, cross the railway line take on the right rue de Nolay which runs along the railway line after 500m. continue on the dirt road.

  1. A la patte d'oie take the path in front of you, after 1.3 km turn right towards Les Granges.
  2. Les Granges take two times to the right then to the left on the D 148
  3. Nolay turn left then first right or go up to the cemetery to visit the church and enjoy the panorama, Old path from Nolay to Nyon. At the calvary you find your way back. Straight ahead to Nyon walking along the D148 road.
  4. A Nyon leave the D 148 for the D 104 in front of you. At the entrance of the town take the dirt road in front of you and the chemin de la Vieille Rue in the centre of Nyon turn left onto the D 176.
  5. At Ourouër, turn slightly to the left, walk past the church and take the first right road D 176.
  6. To cross Montigny-aux-Amognes, stay on the road D 176 : road to Ourouër then road to Nevers. At the exit of the village take the first left Chemin de la Prairie. After 700 m take the road on the right for 3.1 km straight on, cross Aubeterre, rue de Venille, stay on the rue d'Aubeterre, cross the motorway still on the D 176 rue des Sablons.
  7. Before the river turn left along the river, take the bridge on the left, take opposite Faubourg du Grand Mouesse on 1,2 km until the Jean Monnet square, cross the square take rue du Petit Mouesse then rue de Nièvre.
  8. Cross the rue du Champ de Foire and then the boulevard du Maréchal Koenig, turn right immediately into rue Aublanc, go along the place des Carmélites and continue on rue du Charnier. Stop to visit the abbey church St-Étienne.
  9. Leave the church by the place de la Charte, then turn left on rue St-Étienne, turn left to take the rue du fer in front of you. At the crossroads with rue de Nièvre, turn right and go straight on rue Ferdinand Gambon, rue de l'oratoire, rue Marguerite Duras, cross the place de la République and take the rue de l'évêché in front of you, first right on rue de la Basilique, you have arrived at the cathedral of Nevers.

  • Departure : Collegiate church Saint-Marcel, 16 place de l'église, 58700 Prémery
  • Arrival : Saint-Cyr and Sainte-Julitte Cathedral, 6 Rue Abbé Boutillier, 58000 Nevers
  • Towns crossed : Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Altimetric profile


Gare SNCF 
10 Rue du Chemin de Fer
58000 Nevers
Bus ville de Nevers

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