16. 610 Italy (1/2)

16. 610 Italy (1/2)
Multi-day trek
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From the Alps to the Appennines, the route crosses all of northern Italy, from the great lakes to the Po plain, passing through Milan, the metropolis of Lombardy.
22 steps
The Cammino di San Colombano was inspired by the route taken by Saint Colomban in Italy during his exile around 612. Starting in Northern Ireland in memory of this Irish saint, this route stops at Bobbio, the site of his tomb, after he founded a last abbey there.
This 317km route is proposed in 18 stages of 20km average length with 4 variants:
This 317km route is proposed in 18 stages of 20km average length with 4 variants:
- Castasegna (Switzerland)-Chiavenna (Italy): 13km
- Chiavenna-Verceia: 25km
- Chiavenna-Verceia: variant via Via Francisca 31km
- Verceia-Colico: 12.4km
- Colico-Dervio: 12.8km
- Colico-Dervio: variant via Madonna di Valpozzo 20km
- Dervio-Lierna: 18.7km
- Dervio-Lierna: high variant
- Lierna-Lecco: 17.6km
- Lecco-Arlate: 19.7km
- Arlate-Vaprio d'Adda: 23.3km
- Vaprio d'Adda-Gorgonzola: 17km
- Gorgonzola-Milano: 21.6km
- Milano-Melegnano: 23.3km
- Melegnano-Sant'Angelo Lodigiano: 23.4km
- Sant'Angelo Lodigiano-San Colombano Al Lambro: 13.1km
- San Colombano Al Lambro-Sant'Imento: 18.8km
- Sant'Imento-Pieve di Verdeto: 21.5km
- Pieve di Verdeto-San Giorgio di Bobbiano: 19.2km
- San Giorgio di Bobbiano-Mezzano Scotti: 14.8km
- Mezzano Scotti-Bobbio: 9.1km
- Bobbio-Eremo di San Michele: variant 16km
- Departure : 7608 Castasegna (Switzerland)
- Arrival : 29022 Bobbio (Italy)
- Towns crossed : Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna
Altimetric profile
Access and parking
The walking itinerary arrives from Switzerland via the Septimer Pass and starts at the Swiss/Italy border located in the Mera Valley 12km from Chiavenna, a town in the province of Sondrio in the Lombardy region of Italy. This city of 7500 inhabitants is accessible by train and bus. The departure is accessible by bus.
The end of the itinerary is in Bobbio, a city of 3800 inhabitants in Emilia Romagna, accessible by bus useful to reach Piacenza or Genoa and domestic or international rail lines or an airport.
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