Sant'Angelo Lodigiano to San Colombano al Lambro
17. 610 Italy (1/2)
Sant'Angelo Lodigiano to San Colombano al Lambro

16. Sant'Angelo Lodigiano to San Colombano al Lambro

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Opportunity to appreciate the agricultural richness of the Po plain, drained by the Po River flowing eastwards and the Lambro, one of its great tributaries that flow down the mountains to the north.
A prosperous agricultural region with a scattered habitat allowing meditation in the calm and tranquility of the landscape.

4 points of interest

  • St Columban

    Basilica of Saints Anthony Abbot and Francesca Cabrini

    The present building, erected between 1928 and 1938, was built on top of the old parish church, whose history dates back at least to 1210 when it is first mentioned.

    Read more about it.

    Possibility of having a stamp on the credential (pilgrim's passport).
  • Panoramic

    Hill of San Colombano

    A little more than a thousand hectares rising from the plain, a territory that man with much work and passion has reclaimed by dedicating it to the cultivation of the vine and to certain fruits and vegetables: cherries, figs, peas. The mission of the San Colombano Hill Park is to preserve and promote this heritage.

    Learn more about it.

  • St Columban

    Church of San Colombano Abate

    The parish of San Colombano Abate was founded in 1499 by Pope Julius II. The church, characterized by a neoclassical 19th century facade, has three naves. Inside, there are paintings by Bernardino Campi and Gian Giacomo Barbelli. Among the side chapels is the votive chapel of the Rosary, built after the Manzoni plague in 1630.

    Possibility to have a stamp on your credential (pilgrim passport).
  • Historical


    Its construction may be contemporary with the Bobbio Abbey in the 6th century. It is part of the history of San Colombano through the centuries. It was destroyed in 1158 by the German Emperor Frederick I called Barbarossa who rebuilt it in 1164 for its strategic position. Over time, the castle has undergone many transformations depending on the owners, Visconti-Sforza (14th), Certosini (18th), Belgioioso.

    Learn more about it.


At the exit of the Basilica, turn left onto Via Umberto 1 and continue in this direction until the first roundabout:
  1. Continue in this direction and leave the town on the SP19, which you leave after the hospital, continuing straight on southwards. Cross the Roggia Colombana canal and follow the road to the next junction.
  2. Turn left and then right at the next crossroads, which takes you through the vineyards on the SP189 to a small chapel (signposted).
  3. Turn left towards San Colombano following the signs.
  4. At the next crossroads, as indicated by the sign "Cammino di San Colombano", turn right and then immediately left to reach your destination.
  • Departure : Basilica San Antonio Abate, Via Umberto I°, 9, 26866 Sant'Angelo Lodigiano
  • Arrival : Church San Colombano Abate, Piazza Beato Don Carlo Gnocchi 1, 20078 San Colombano al Lambro
  • Towns crossed : Lombardia

Altimetric profile


To cross the River Po, it is necessary to use the boat and make an appointment with the ferryman Danilo Parisi (tel. 0523- 77.16.07 / 331-87.68.456) at least the day before, or several days before. 

If it is not possible to cross, two alternative routes are proposed in the description of the stage.


San Colombano Al Lambro:
line E61 with connections to Milan, Melegnano and Sant'Angelo Lodigiano,
stop via Ottavio Steffenini 255.
Tel. 0371 -30.263,

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